December 31, 2012

Find alternative web sites

If the last Techbit was to find similar software, then what is this one for? Similar people? Nah, this one is for similar web sites. is where you can find sites similar to something.

As an example, a search for sites similar to lists several good ones like those that can be seen from

December 28, 2012

Find alternative software

You’ve some software but you’re not satisfied with it and need to find alternative options to the same? If so, then is where you would need to go to. It is a great site and rates the software based on user recommendations.

December 8, 2012

How to find filesystem block size on Solaris?

Firstly, what is a filesystem block?

It is the smallest piece/size of the disk allocated or accessible on the filesystem.

Can you explain a bit more?

Having a larger block size helps in achieving better performance due to lesser number of disk reads and lower metadata overhead. However, it is a disadvantage for files of smaller size. For example, assuming block size of 8 KB, 8 KB is allocated even if the file size is only 1 KB.

Tell me how do I find the filesystem block size on Solaris?

There’re couple of ways:

  1. From “df -g”; example: df -g | grep "block size" | awk '{print $1 " " $4}'
  2. From “fstype –v”; example: fstyp -v /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 | grep ^bsize