January 18, 2014

Merge, Split and Collate PDFs

Ever felt the need to take merge multiple PDF documents? How about taking just a page or two from a PDF document? Or how about updating the PDF document’s metadata? If yes or if you now want this functionality, then this Techbit is for you!

PDFTK Builder is the tool that can help you all that was mentioned in the above paragraph and much more. You could password protect a PDF document, you could add watermarks to the pages, you could rotate the PDF pages etc.

PDFTK Builder can be downloaded from http://angusj.com/pdftkb/#pdftkbuilder.

There is also a PortableApps compatible version available at http://portableapps.com/apps/office/pdftk_builder_portable. If you're unaware of what PortableApps is, check out http://spatnala.blogspot.com/2013/12/are-your-applications-portable.html.

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