February 18, 2012

Techbits #3: Firefox & its wonderful world - make it yours too!

Firefox - one of the best open source tools that one can come across and which has gained a lot of widespread acceptance. Its rich repository of "Add-ons", driven by and contributed by communities all over, is a huge plus above all. It makes browsing so much more productive and delightful. It is your friendly neighborhood spider on the web and keeps you safe on Internet. Tabbed browsing is another feature that was available since quite a while. Yes, there are a lot of beautiful adjectives used here but not without a reason. I'll halt here though we can keep going on & on, and talk about many more of its features & aspects.

For those migrating from Internet Exploder - err, Explorer, there would be a bit of Newton's first law (inertia) coming into picture. But, I'd like to encourage you to make that first move after which you can feel the change yourself. And, yes, there's Chrome as well alongside - let's not divulge into the war of which one is better though. Personally, I've been a user of Firefox since almost its inception in 2005.

Why wait? Go to http://www.firefox.com/ and try Firefox now!

Provided below are some of the helpful Firefox Add-ons that I use and benefit from.
  1. Enhance your tab browsing capabilities using Tab Mix Plus
  2. Irritated by ads and banners? Go for Adblock Plus
  3. Have a site that works only with IE? Embed it in Firefox through IE Tab 2
  4. Hide almost anything via context menu 'Remove Object' through Nuke Anything Enhanced
  5. Save Web pages or specific sections (text/image), and organize in a collection using Scrapbook
  6. Save webpages (visible portion or complete) as images through Screengrab
  7. Deal with all the included JavaScript (JS) & Stylesheet (CSS) files very easily through JSView
  8. Powerful set of tools to assist primarily with your web-based development using Firebug
  9. Backup your profile (settings, add-ons etc.) through FEBE
  10. Easily copy a hyperlink and/or its text in various formats using CoLT
  11. Protect your privacy - see who's tracking your web browsing and block them with Ghostery
  12. Restart Firefox with ease using Restart Firefox
  13. Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks using Text Link
  14. Manage and accelerate your downloads using Down Them All

There are many many more Firefox Add-ons available that you could choose based on your choices and requirements.

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